Fränkischer Tag, Germany

“...the solo bassoonist enchants (bewitches) the audience...the best concert of the last few years, some say...watching and listening to Pierre Martens, as he passionately uses his virtuosity and corporal representation to better serve his interpretation...from the very first note, he touches and conquers our them the possibility, with his master craft, to enlighten and enrapture the public. His atypical instrument is able to splendidly chant and dance, torment and comfort, laugh and weep...Vivaldi's creativity endlessly oozing plentiful fantasy...pity that Pierre Martens only played two pieces and he must absolutely return!

Die Welt, Germany

“...accompanied with verve by the extreme virtuoso Pierre Martens during the creation of the intricately difficult, rhythmic and technical concerto for bassoon and string orchestra by Michel Lysight. Martens fascinates us, as rarely seen, with a palette of sonorous colours...he extracts from his bassoon a plethora of moods ranging from the most ferocious rage to the most adorable lyricism...”

Badische Neueste Nachrichten, Germany

“...In Gustav Schreck's sonata, Pierre Martens develops a magnificent sound, smooth yet vibrant, woven most beautifully into the piano section...”

Vlaams Radio Television, Belgium

“It's a pleasure to listen to such a bassoonist...magnificent and gigantic resonance...brilliant bassoonist at the service of music...”

Nordbayerischer Kurier, Germany

“...Without hesitation one of the highlights of this evening was Anton Dvorak's magnificent serenade for woodwind, cello and double bass...we must first and foremost thank Pierre Martens' committed baton...he delivered a beautiful interpretation to the ensemble.”